Educazione Terapeutica
Aggiungi ai preferiti
Segnala ad un amico

Preparazione efficace all'autogestione del diabete mellito.


2022 ComET-ets - C.F. 97164840585 

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Support Com.E.T.

The Committee for Therapeutic Education is a NPO which carries out projects and services for people with diabetes and their families, using funds received from donations.

To make a tax-deductible donation, a transfer can be made to the Committee for Therapeutic Education, Iban: IT86 S 02008 05024 000 400 358234,  SWIFT: UNCRIT M1B93.

Our sponsors

Over the years, the activities of ComET have been possible thanks to the financial support of many private individuals who have asked to remain anonymous.

Furthermore, we have often received unconditional support from numerous companies operating in the field of Diabetes.We remember among these:

Servier International

Novo Nordisk Italy

Roche Diagnostics Italy

Medtronic Italy